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Sunday, October 26, 2008

being in a relationship doesnt give u the right to act stupid or become stupid. i think thats what many of us girls tend to become. or issit me..? i used to think that its stupid for girls to do so much stuff for the guy in a r/s. but now i can fully understand why.

quote of the day:pple from different backgrounds have different appreciation level. so things u thought can cheer them up might not work for them;they might feel irriated instead. I guess its really time for me to mind my own stuff. i worrying too much about others.

8:12 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2008

to prevent hq from deleting me from his link of friends and my friends from abandoning me, i guess i really need to do some update. haha.

hmm.. Hari raya holiday was well spent with baby. went over to his house in the morning and we went jogging. jogged to yishun dam and i was half dead. sooo long nvr run le and my both legs just cant go any further when we reached there. sat over there to rest and enjoy the scenery. we then started to throw stones into the water. was trying to learn from him how to do double throw on the water but i cant! just cant master it. =( we then took a super big rock and threw it in. hahah. super big splash.

was supposed to jog back but too tired le so walked back home. wentt to get icecream after that. windy day, sweaty body, yummy icecream and company of my baby was indeed all i can ask for =)

went back his home to slack until 6. then went to catch "Mirrors". hahah. was a comedy to me cause of baby's silly actions. but the ending was quite unpredictable, was hoping for a happy ending though.

the night was then spent catching "The Notebook" and cuddling beside him to sleep ^^

next,pardon me for the super few pics i have for Terence'sbirthday. he still haven send me those pics! terence, u better send before ur enlistment hor!

went to this mongolian restaurant at Parkway Parade.
i like their mushroom soup with the bread on top and those crabby. yum yum.

happy 117 days my dear ^^

5:57 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

SGH voluntary work later with ahluma. its been more than half a year since we last been there la. looking forward to wheel the patients and hanging out with stupid ahluma=)

life's been great for me so far. tutoring, schooling and part time job at library haven been my usual routines for the past few mths and i just realised i super long nvr meet up with pok and foojingting!!! meet up soon girls. miss u all super much.

have been trying very hard to fork out my time for my dearest friends and also a silly boy who officially invaded my singlehood life which i have maintained for 20 years and 4mths. hehe.

thanks silly boy for all the love and care so far.

thanks for making me realised how sweet my life can turn out to be.
thank you baby=)

3:09 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

National Day
Weishun's post birthday celebration
Dress code: Yellow
With besties =)

met at marina square for "the journey to the center of the earth". we were so striking that day. hahah. pple were dressed in red and white while the 7 of us in yellow.

with weishun.

with chu luan

after which we went to Sizzler for our dinner. our 2nd year there on this date.

we then headed to dbl O. my first clubbing experience. haha. dun really like the drinks over there. too high alcohol content for me. normal beer is so much preferred. once in a blue moon to a club is still alright to me. dun really like the environment.

the drinks.

with yuheng.

with justin.

with hanquan! =)

with ahluma.

the girls.

the guys.

girls with birthday boy.

the yellow gang! love u guys=)

12:50 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008

here's sth i gotten from my friend's blog which is quite meaningful..

Dont be upset when he did not fulfill his promise, as long as he’s with you, both of you can realise it together.

Dont hurt him when he fails you or insist your way, because in his heart he wanted as much to give you what you wish for. As much as it disappoints you, it has already hurt his pride that he cant give you what you wish for. Have patience, because he will surprise you one day.

Dont compare him with someone else, while you are engrossed in thinking how well someone else is having their wishes fulfilled. Think about the wonderful things he has done for this relationship which others have not.

Dont expect too much in material fulfillment, because when you lose him, even the most beautiful dress, bag or item which you have been eyeing, have lost its appeal. You will realise you need him more than anything Money can deliver.

Dont ignore him when you have company, because when you lose him, no amount of consolation and company from people can ever compare having to see his face, even from afar.

Dont make him wait because you have only this lifetime to know this man whom you love. You will never know when will be your last.

When you quarrel, be the first to apologise no matter whose fault is it. Love is not a competition on who wins, who’s right or wrong. Apologise first because you respect him. When you lose him, you will realise you miss even quarrelling with him.

Dont say words that hurt him even though he upsets you, because he is after all the man you love and care for. To experience hurt from someone you love is more pain than a knife cutting through your flesh.

Dont forget to tell him you love him everyday. When you lose him, these simple 3 words becomes something you yearn so much to tell him.

Dont forget to praise him for all the wonderful things he has done, it takes a lot of effort and time for him to find a way to make you smile.

Dont be upset if he cant send you home or call you, because as long as you have him, there will always be tomorrows you can meet each other again.

Dont be upset if he can only send you by public transport, when you lose the one you love most, the only companion you have on the journey home are strangers.

Dont be angry if he provide comments that you dont find pleasant because only those who truly love you will be honest.

Dont be upset with his parents, because you will realise without them, you will never have met him.

Dont be jealous if he’s nice to his friends or family, because you will soon realise you are with the most wonderful person.

Dont be upset why you have to stay home with him and not have the opportunity to go out, because when you lose him, you will realise those malls or places you wanted to go are no longer a happy place, all you want is to have him beside you no matter where you are, even just doing nothing.

Dont leave him because you think you can find happiness in someone else. When you lose your love, you realise no one other than him can withstand all the hardships with you. No amount of riches, luxury, diamonds, fancy holidays, nice cars, clothes, makeup can ever conceal that emptiness in your heart if you have lost him.

Smile more to him. Tell him you love him today if you havent. Praise him, care for him, hug him tight and tell him you will never want to let go. Respect, trust and support him. Hold his hands, kiss them & tell him these are the hands you want to hold for a life time. Look into his eyes and tell him -

11:35 PM

Friday, June 27, 2008

6 more days to genting trip!! finally a small get away from the hectic shedule. =)) am going with yuklum!! i just cant wait. it will be fun fun fun with her cause we two just cant enough of each other. haha.

life has been great for the me. everything just seem too beautiful to be true.

6:03 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008

shauna oh, foo jingting and li yee tung i miss u all la!!!

meet up soon kkk=))

5:11 PM

hello ♥

liwen, 21
bliss with a
++loving family
++wonderful friends
++and sweet oldman of mine=)



trip to greece
a cosy home of our own